Lost and unchurched people

Pray lost, unchurched and unengaged people will move from ignorance and disbelief to knowledge and faith in Christ Jesus

Jun-04 / last prayer 5d ago
Rep. Mike Johnson, 56th Speaker of rhe House

Pray for Mike Johnson as he leads the U S Congress. Pray for wisdom. Pray for courage and strength to follow God’s will for America. God bless America

Oct-26 / last prayer 5d ago
STEPS Recovery Class

Pray anyone in need of recovery assistance will come and be apart of this excellent Ministry that link’s individuals to God’s love, mercy and grace.

May-19 / last prayer 5d ago
Persecution and targeting of Christians

Pray Christians will stand firm and not compromise to the woke. Lgbtrstuvwxyz sick people who are lost without hope in our Savior. Pray for a spiritual awakening. Pray light will outshine evil

Jun-02 / last prayer 5d ago
Influencers (Radical SBF Class) to the MS Army National Guard

Praise the Lord for the opportunity to bring refreshments, praise and worship and the Gospel to the Guardsman at their home drill weekends

Jan-26 / last rejoice 5d ago
Andrew Wilson, FBC Student Minister

Pray for Andrew as he leads our FBC Student Ministry. Pray a Biblical firm foundation will be laid out to each student as they grow closer to Christ Jesus as Disciples following in Jesus’s footsteps

May-19 / last prayer 5d ago
Missionary in restricted area under attack

Pray for the Missionary whose wife and children were taken from him by his wife’s family because he would not stop preaching Jesus. He is told worse things will happen to him if he does not stop

Mar-26 / last prayer 5d ago
United Methodist church (dead church)

Pray for a spiritual awakening for this once strong Bible believing based denomination would return to it’‘s first love. Pray for return and restoration for United Methodist.

Jun-22 / last prayer 5d ago
FBC Pic. Christ followers

Pray that our church family will engage in prayer and not be in danger of being a stranger to prayer Prayer works. Ask, seek, knock. God answers prayer.

May-16 / last prayer 5d ago
Lost (Catholic) neighbors

Pray for my lost / unchurched / Unengaged neighbors. Pray we can have spiritual influence that will turn them to God’s Word and their need for a personal relationship with Christ Jesus .

Aug-20 / last prayer 5d ago
Prayer Warriors

Pray Intercessors will have supernatural courage to overcome anxiety and fear and not be deterred from stiff necked, hypocrites who follow the world for self gain

Oct-23 / last prayer 3d ago
Home bound and long term health needs

Pray for the home bound who have long term physical, mental, financial and spiritual needs. Pray for care givers to have patience. Wisdom, courage and strength

Mar-11 / last prayer 5d ago
FBC women serving in our local jail

Praise God for women who with love, Compassion for the least of these visit and minister to woman inmates at Millard Correctional Facility. Pray for the Fruit of the Soirit to change hearts

Jan-13 / last rejoice 5d ago
Gideon Bible distributions to other Lands 2024

Pray for Scripture distributions to: Ecuador, Columbia, Madagascar, Bulgaria, Togo and Democratic Republic of Congo. Pray for Lost / unchurched people to receive a free copy of God’s Word. Salvation

Sep-06 / last prayer 5d ago

Pray for courage to stand firm and not compromise God’s work. Pray health, finance, family, vocation or non-. Controllable will hinder the call to Go, witness, teach and make disciples

May-19 / last prayer 5d ago
Gold Star Families

Pray for our Gold Star Families. Encourage. Pray for & support the families of our battle fallen heroes. No greater love for those who have given all so that we may have freedom. Freedom is not free

Aug-13 / last prayer 5d ago
Janis Willianson

Power of prayer. Thank you for your prayers Left knee replaced 10/3 at Southern Bone and Joint. Surgery successful. Praise the Lord. Recovery in process. God is good.

Sep-02 / last rejoice 5d ago
Nancy & Ronnie Griffin.

We are just overloaded with health issues. Kidney transplant waiting list. Possible liver transplant rejection. New unspoken concern. Ronnie’s continued heart issues.

Oct-16 / last prayer 13h ago
Gloria Children’s Home. Liberia, Africa

Pray for Gloria Children’s Home. They have lost their sponsorship after 20 years. 34 children at the orphanage. They need prayer, financial assistance, special needs children, finances, nutrition,,

Mar-26 / last prayer 5d ago
FBC Pic members

Watch and pray that our men, women. Students and children will learn to watch and pray and not fall into temptation.

May-16 / last prayer 5d ago

Please pray for Adam, young man, recently widowed, Picayune School teacher, in process of adapting a 3 year old foster child. Adam has CANCER. Pray for complete healing and God's favor in his life.

Nov-06 / last prayer 2d ago
Gender confused and lost without Jesus

Pray for lost, mentally ill people. pray for an awakening for gender confused people. At conception God assigns gender. . God is smart. God is not confused.

Jun-02 / last prayer 5d ago
Pastor, overseer Tony Lambert

Wisdom to follow God. Wisdom to lead by example. Wisdom

Jan-18 / last prayer 2d ago
Persecuted Christians

Pray for boldness, courage and strength to endure physical, mental and spiritual attacks. Victory is ours says the Lord. RESOLVED. NO RETREAT. NO REGRETS.

Jun-25 / last prayer 4d ago
Nolan and Marshall, 2 years of Afe

Praise the Lord. Adoption complete. Now living in love with a christian family.

Sep-05 / last rejoice 5d ago
Dr., Pastor Tony Lambert

Spiritual Wisdom to follow God. Obedience to God’s Word. Wait on the Lord with patience, boldness, discernment. .Leadership in Prayer, Ministry, discipleship, Missions. Outreach

Jan-10 / last prayer 5d ago
Family Health care providers

Pray for those who find themselves as health care providers to spouses, children, parents , grandparents. Family. Pray for wisdom, courage, strength and patience Pray for love and joy in serving.

Jan-13 / last prayer 5d ago
American judicial system

Pray for our American Judicial System. Liberty and justice for all. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Jan-08 / last prayer 5d ago
America 2024 elections

Pray for wisdom for American voters as they cast ballots for our elected. Only God can fix stupid. American votes have a choice. VOTE or don’t complain.

May-19 / last prayer 5d ago
Lost, unchurched, Unreached & Unengaged people

Pray the Spirit of our Loving God will awaken those without Christ Jesus as Lord. Pray blind eyes will open to see. Deaf ears will open to hear. Hardened hearts will be receptive

Jan-15 / last prayer 5d ago
American military veterans / wounded warriors

Pray for our U S military veterans who suffer from the physical. Mental and spiritual scares of service to our country. Pray our hero’s will be overcomers and victorious in their daily battles.

Jan-21 / last prayer 5d ago
Local National Guard Unit

Praise the Lord for the open door to our Guard Unit. Refreshments, paise and worship music and the Gospel message is welcomed and appreciated. We are blessed to serve our Guardsman

Feb-29 / last rejoice 5d ago
E. James Baker

Prayer request for travel and support as my brother joins the Tallahassee Baptist Disaster Relief team as they enter and work in the Sarasota, FL area, as well as safe and speedy return.

Oct-11 / last prayer 5d ago
Our Military Hero’s (dangers of deployment, training , service

Pray for our military heroes who serve at home and in foreign fields. Pray for the families of the fallen who sacrifice so that we free from our enemies. No greater love. We remember. Never forget.

Feb-10 / last prayer 5d ago
Fishers of men

Pray for obedient and faithful fishers of men. Pray we will listen to and obey God’s instructions on when and where to fish for lost men. Women, students & youth who are without Christ Jesus as Lord

May-25 / last prayer 5d ago
World wide distribution of God’s Word

Pray for open doors and opportunity to Place God’s Word into the hands of lost, unreached, unchurched and unengaged peoples hands. Pray for awakening. Lives changed.

Sep-10 / last prayer 5d ago
War Room Intercessors / FBC Prayer Ministry

Pray our Intercessors will STAND FIRM. Pray our Intercessors will not loose focus or swayed by the demands of this world but committed to Kingdom concerns.

Aug-20 / last prayer 5d ago
People of Bangladesh

Pray for the people of Bangladeshwho have been. Displaced by the floods waters. People have been reduced to the cloths on their backs . No resources. Pray aid will arrive in time to save these people

Aug-26 / last prayer 5d ago
2024 American elections / LEADERSHIP

Pray evil & sinful leaders in every community, State & in our U S Capital will be replaced with God fearing, Bible believing Christian men & women who are called by God to stand firm & lead our people

May-25 / last prayer 5d ago
Land of Israel

Pray for the people of Israel as they defend their homeland. Pray evil will be destroyed. Pray victory for Israel.

Sep-29 / last prayer 5d ago
Christ followers

Pray that we may live expectantly, faithfully, and compassionately as we await His return and His coming kingdom

Sep-22 / last prayer 2d ago
Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Pray FBC will develop our Intercessory Prayer Ministry to watch and pray as did the early Christians when Peter was in prison. Prayer works. Power in prayer. PRAY

Apr-24 / last prayer 5d ago
ProLife advocates

Pray for the ProLife persons who have been targeted . Prosecuted and now sentenced to prison for peacefully standing firm in favor of babies in the womb. God forgive us for the evil of abortion.

May-19 / last prayer 4d ago
Callous people who are non-believers to the True Gospel

Pray for a spiritual awakening. Blind eyes will open. Deaf ear will hear. Hardened hearts will be playable Pray for the Harvest.

Jul-27 / last prayer 5d ago
Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Pray the Texas Governor will hold his ground , stand firm against the lawlessness and evil deeds of the cartels, illegal migrants and the U S Government and the Biden Administration

Jan-26 / last prayer 5d ago
3,072 Unreached people groups

Pray Southern Bapt will go to the deepest part of lostness to find people no one else is looking for. Our objective: is to bring the Gospel to every nation, all tribes, peoples and every language.

Aug-23 / last prayer 5d ago
Dustin Gray / incarcerated MDOC

Pray for Dustin. Pray for his family. Pray for Dustin as he transitions to life at MDCC without the possibility of parole. Pray. Hold the rope. Pray.

Oct-03 / last prayer 5d ago
LOST / UNCHURCHED people of MIssissippi

Pray for the 62% people of MS. 2 million are lost and unchurched. Pray for a spiritual awakening. Pray revival will come to MS. Pray revival will begin at FBC Picayune and our PRBA churches.

Aug-20 / last prayer 5d ago
FBC Personnel Committee

Pray for our FBC Personnel Committee as they seek our Lord’s selection and affirmation to fill vacancies in our staff.

Jun-09 / last prayer 5d ago
Kairos Ministry

Thank God for Kairos Ministry that reaches out and encourage family and friends of the incarcerated. Pray for peace and God’s care and provisions for broken families.

Oct-05 / last prayer 5d ago
Church Staff vacancies across Pearl River County

Pray our Lord will call and fill the staff vacancies across Pearl River County.

Jun-26 / last prayer 5d ago
Gideon Bibles for Liberia Africa

Praise God for the 165,000 Gideon Bibles that have arrived Elwa, Liberia for distribution to over 40 communities of challenge, culture, tradition and strong opposition

Mar-26 / last rejoice 5d ago
Samaritan’s Purse, Water Well Project

Praise God for the fresh water being provided to remote and village communities from Samaritan’s Purse. Pray fresh water will be available bringing better life and good health.

Mar-26 / last prayer 5d ago

Unspoken. God’s Will. Obedience. Deeper faith

Sep-11 / last prayer 5d ago